README file for pbimaker ======================== PBImaker is a small program designed to help automate the creation of PBI modules. Compiling ======================== To compile (and optionally install) PBImaker, please perform the following steps. 1. Download pbimaker-1.2.tar.gz 2. Run "tar zxf pbimaker-1.2.tar.gz" 3. cd into the PBIMaker directory. 4. Run "gmake" to create the PBImaker executable. 5. Optionally run "gmake install" to copy the executable to /usr/local/bin/ Please note "gmake install" should be performed as root. The application does not need to be installed to be run. 6. To remove PBImaker from your system, you can run "gmake deintall" as the root user. Using PBImaker ========================== At the moment, PBImaker is lacking in options and attempts to do almost everything automatically. To use PBImaker, choose a port to build. Run "su" to gain administrator rights. Then run PBImaker from a directory you have write-access to, passing the program the full location of your target port. For example, the following command will attempt to build the LiquidWar port: su (Enter root password) ./pbimaker -8 /usr/ports/games/liquidwar PBImaker will log its progress to your terminal. When it is finished, you should have a new directory named after the port you just created with all the basic information needed for a PBI module. Running pbimaker without any options or ports will display a brief help message including all available options. Please note that you must use the -8 flag or the -9 flag to let the builder know which platform you want your module to run on. The -8 flag tells PBImaker to target the PC-BSD 8.x system and the -9 flag tells PBImaker to target PC-BSD 9.x. You can use both together, for example: ./pbimaker -8 -9 /usr/ports/games/liquidwar The above example will build two modules, one for each platform. Command Line Options ============================ The program currently supports the following options, which can be passed on the command line. -8 -> Build a PBI module for PC-BSD 8.x -9 -> Build a PBI module for PC-BSD 9.x -q -> Using the -q flag will surpress output, including progress and error messages. -l -> Send output to a log file not to the console. usage: pbimaker -8 -l mylog.txt /usr/ports/games/liquidwar -i -> Run in interactive mode. This will cause the program to pause and request the user fill in data the program cannot find automatically. -e dir -> Exclude a directory from searched. This is handy if you have a program which writes to the /usr/local/ directory tree. Using the -e flag allows us to skip over those directories when searching for files, such as icons. usage: pbimaker -8 -e /usr/local/shared/denyhost /usr/ports/games/liquidwar -o user -> When a module is created it is owned by root, by default. If you would rather have the module directory owned by another user, you can specify their username here. usage: pbimaker -8 -o jesse /usr/ports/games/liquidwar -c -> Use this flag if the port you are building is a console application and does not have a graphical user interface. The settings in the Kmenu entry will be different. -p -> Use this flag when you wish to install the port's files using pkg_add, rather than building the port from source. This is much faster and uses less CPU, but may skip over potential problems. -s -> Using this flag skips the port's build/install process. This means PBImaker tries to guess all the data it needs by searching through the port's files. This is much much faster, but removes all checking that comes with building the port. Using the -s flag also means we do not need to run PBImaker as the root user. -b icon -> Using this flag will tell PBImaker to use the file if no other icon file can be found. Useful if you suspect the port is missing an icon or if you are skipping the build/install process. Known Issues ========================== Please report any bugs found to